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Our Story

We are a startup inspired by the success of a local business and the entrepreneurial vision that began with an endodontist - Dr. Christopher Sabourin - making his practice more responsive to his patients and team. He identified pain points that prevent independent professional service providers from effectively managing the life of their business. Part endodontist and part entrepreneur, Dr. Sabourin set out to share processes, workflows, education and innovation with the small and medium-sized business community. Today FlowPatterns supports our community members in managing the life of their business.

We’re Changing the Game for Small Business

We believe in independent professional service providers, and the role they play in our local communities. Join us in helping them grow, achieve, and focus on the business of life.

“Dr. Sabourin has reimagined the impact of teamwork creating a model that, at its fullest implementation, allows for incredible productivity while allowing time needed for specialist level care. His concepts can be implemented across a variety of practices allowing for flexibility and customization to the unique needs of the practitioner.”  

Dr. Matt Nealon


You wouldn’t build your dream house without a foundation

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